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What's your main struggle when trying to lose weight? - Part 3/3

Body image issues, physical and health limits, maintenance

Continued from part 2. Read part 1, if you missed it.

Body image issues

Dieting for weight loss will change your weight and your appearance, but if you have watched Instagram contents enough, and you are much more obese than those 30-60-90 day miracle changers, then the bad news is that won't go the same way for you, you won't get cut up abs in 30-60-90 days if you are about to lose 30-50-70 kg-s. 

As one who have lost 60 kg+, I have to say I wasn't satisfied with the appearance at 90 kg body weight, mostly due to loose skin. I recommend checking out the contents of Obese to Beast, here is a news short video with him (less than 3 minutes).

On the other hand I was happy about the fact that I'm healthier and I can move much easier, I could sleep on my back, I wasn't snoring anymore, I didn't need to exhale before I bent down to tie my shoes, my face was already unrecognizable for whom not have seen me for a year, there were a lot of win already without reaching the perfect body.

Getting to the body that you visualize from a BMI 35+ will take even more time than just losing the weight. You will need to build muscles and even may need surgery if the other natural approaches are not working for you, but only after you have put in the years to do whatever can be done.

Till you get there, focus less on the looks and more on the health side. You shouldn't lose weight to just look better in the mirror, you should do this for your health, significantly increasing your chances for a long, active life.

You are not healthy till you are obese, there is no fit & fat, there is only fit OR fat.

Physical limitations or health conditions

If you have physical limitations or health conditions that don't allow you to workout or eat in such ways as an average person would be able to, it doesn't mean it's not possible for you to change your life to a better way. However you better reach out for professional help, so you end up with a safe and appropriate plan for your current state and possibilities. Be careful, it's not a race, it may take longer for you, but you will get there!

Maintenance after weight loss

I have failed on this issue before, because I expected my circumstances to change as well as my body and as that didn't happen I felt disappointed, then it was Christmas, I broke under the social pressure and got disappointed by that, already gained back a multiple kilograms during that 2 weeks of holiday, I have lost my vision about myself and my self-worth dropped, I tried to recover a few times, but I was only able for 1-3 months, but that was still only another weight loss session with no clear visions, I was just trying to lose 10 kg after hitting the next round x*10 weight.

In my current journey, my strategy has changed, I'm not doing ketogenic diet, I'm trying to come up with one that I like to eat and keep that under calorie restriction, so when I get to the body weight I want, I can just keep eating the same with the proper amounts.

Working out is already a habit, by the time you lose the weight you wanted, you should have it as a habit too, as you already did it frequently for months, hopefully you found what you enjoy the most and it's already clearing your mind, reducing stress and provide you with the feelings of success and accomplishment as you progress to be stronger!

What's your main struggle when trying to lose weight? - Part 2/3
Plateaus, slow progress, unrealistic expectations, social pressure, xmas, lack of support